What kind of testosterone for ftm
J Psychiatr Res ; — Arch Gen Psychiatry ; — Determinant factors of gender identity: a commentary. J Pediatr Urol ; — World Professional Association for Transgender Health.
Standards of care for the health of transsexual, transgender, and gender nonconforming people. Endo- crine treatment of transsexual persons: an Endocrine Society clinical practice guideline. J Clin Endocrinol Metab ; — J Clin Endocrinol Metab ; Am J Public Health ; — Evaluation of the efficacy of sub-cutaneous administration of testosterone in female to male transexuals and hypogonadal males. The role of aldosterone receptor antagonists in the management of heart failure: an update. Cleve Clin J Med ; — A long-term follow-up study of mortality in transsexuals receiving treatment with cross-sex hormones.
Eur J Endocrinol ; — Psychosexual outcome of gender-dysphoric children. Because masculinizing hormone therapy might reduce your fertility, you'll need to make decisions about your fertility before starting treatment. The risk of permanent infertility increases with long-term use of hormones, especially when hormone therapy is initiated before puberty. Even after stopping hormone therapy, ovarian and uterine function might not recover well enough to ensure that you can become pregnant without reproductive technology assistance.
If you want to have biological children, talk to your doctor about egg freezing mature oocyte cryopreservation or embryo freezing embryo cryopreservation.
Another option involves having ovarian tissue surgically removed, frozen and later thawed and reimplanted ovarian tissue cryopreservation. Keep in mind that egg freezing has multiple steps — ovulation induction, egg retrieval and freezing. If you want to freeze embryos, you'll need to go through the additional step of having your eggs fertilized before they are frozen. At the same time, while testosterone might limit your fertility, you're still at risk of pregnancy if you have your uterus and ovaries.
If you want to avoid becoming pregnant, use an intrauterine device, a barrier form of contraception or a continuous progestin form of birth control.
Before starting masculinizing hormone therapy, your doctor will evaluate your health to rule out or address any medical conditions that might affect or contraindicate treatment. The evaluation might include:. You might also need a behavioral health evaluation by a provider with expertise in transgender health. The evaluation might assess:.
Adolescents younger than age 18, accompanied by their custodial parents or guardians, also should see doctors and behavioral health providers with expertise in pediatric transgender health to discuss the risks of hormone therapy, as well as the impact and possible complications of gender transition in that age group. You'll begin masculinizing hormone therapy by taking testosterone.
Typically, your doctor will prescribe a low dose and slowly increase the dosage over a period of months. A person may undergo T therapy if they have gender dysphoria. A person has gender dysphoria when they experience distress because their gender identity does not match their sex assigned at birth.
Undergoing T therapy during adolescence around the age of 16 years and older may stop the development of female secondary sex characteristics, such as breasts. It may also induce male secondary sex characteristics, such as facial hair. Although research is ongoing, some people who wish to undergo T therapy may have difficulty receiving treatment or experience potential complications from it.
This includes those who:. Not everyone who experiences gender dysphoria will have T therapy. Although it may have benefits for some people, the treatment is not without risk. People may receive T therapy in a number of ways. These include:. In the United States, doctors prescribe the medication and provide guidelines on how to safely administer the therapy. People typically receive T therapy as an injection, either into a muscle intramuscular or under the skin subcutaneous.
Most people will receive the injections weekly, though some people may require higher doses every 10—14 days. Oral administration of testosterone undecanoate Jatenzo involves taking a pill twice daily. Transdermal options are available as a gel Androgel or a patch Androderm. However, doctors are more likely to suggest these options to treat testosterone deficiency. The age at which a person can access gender affirming hormone therapy varies across the world. For example, in Europe , many countries allow people between the ages of 14 and 18 years to access it, but in some countries, such as Holland, people can access it from the age of 12 years, as long as they have parental consent.
In some other European countries, access depends on the maturity of the person who wishes to receive the therapy.
In the U. At 17 years old, a person may have access, but they will require a parent or guardian to accompany them to appointments. At age 16 years or younger, additional paperwork is necessary for people to access such therapy. People may consider T therapy as a second puberty. Although some changes will occur quicker than others, it can take years for the full effect. Changes may include :. Pharmacology of testosterone replacement therapy preparations.
Subcutaneous injection of testosterone is an effective and preferred alternative to intramuscular injection: demonstration in female-to-male transgender patients.
J Clin Endocrinol Metabol. Endo Pharmaceuticals. Testopel - testosterone pellet. Updated August Testosterone topical. Updated September 29, Clarus Therapeutics. Highlights of prescribing information - Jatenzo. Updated March Adverse effects of testosterone replacement therapy: an update on the evidence and controversy. Ther Adv Drug Saf. Occurrence of acute cardiovascular events in transgender individuals receiving hormone therapy: results from a large cohort study.
Testosterone undecanoate and testosterone enanthate injections are both effective and safe in transmen over 5 years of administration. Clin Endocrinol Oxf. Transgender men and pregnancy. Obstet Med. Your Privacy Rights. To change or withdraw your consent choices for VerywellHealth.
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I Accept Show Purposes. Table of Contents View All. Table of Contents. Effects of Testosterone. Methods of Delivery. Side Effects and Risk.
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