What kind of shopper am i quiz
Can you use that coupon? Where can the best deals be found? As you answer these questions see where you score as a smart shopper!
Can you beat the best shopper? Or the worst? Find out with Smart Questions: 8 Attempts: Last updated: Sep 11, Sample Question. Business Organizations and Market Structures.
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I like shopping alone. I don't like to be slowed down when I'm shopping. Most people can't afford the boutiques and salons where I shop anyway. My BFF or my sister. Girls just want to have fun and what better way than improving our wardrobes? She's someone who can keep up with my pace of bouncing from store to store and she'll let me know if I'm about to buy the wrong thing — but also encourages me to buy lots of the right things.
Someone whose opinion I trust. I don't mind if she suggests something which I normally wouldn't try on, because I know she won't be offended if I don't take her suggestion. She's also a great second pair of eyes for those sale items. No one — I don't like interference. I like to take my time wandering through stores. I don't ask for anyone's opinion because I know what works and what doesn't.
A wide base of basics with a few pricier items is what I look for. Make an image statement. Clothes make the woman, which is why I buy high-dollar clothing, most of which must go to the cleaners. Express my personality and gain maximum use out of each and every article of clothing. I'm not so concerned with being 'in fashion', I am about being creative and finding new ways to be me. Feel comfortable in. The fit, feel, color, and cut should cater to my comfort. I also want clothes which are easy to care for — wash, dry, and go.
Look fresh and trendy. I would be horrified to be caught in something so last season. Much of my self-esteem is based on my looks and I've just got to look my most stylish. My personal style:. Has designer labels written all over them. Call me the couture queen. Elegance, confidence, and a meticulous attention to detail define my style.
Is conservative and safe — and preferably has a sale price tag. I like tried and true items which I've worn for years and have no complaints about. They work, so why change? Is ultra-trendy. Fads come and go, which is why my closet interior never looks the same from season to season.
Is authentic. An outfit makes me happy when it features a something that is uniquely me; burst of color, a unique accessory, fantastic print, or an old standby updated with a new accessory.
Purchase something high-end. Do not think about the answers too long. If you think you answered incorrectly, you can always go back to any question and change your answer.
From grocery shopping an essential to clothes shopping less essential, mostly and gift shopping totally not important, right? What type of shopper are you? All Rights Reserved. By continuing, you agree to Quizony's Privacy Policy and Cookie use.