When do border collies calm down

This breed of dog sets itself apart in several remarkable ways. In this article, I will address information about this hard-working, lovable breed, including how much exercise they require, how to play with them, are they good with children, and why it takes them half their life to calm down. Because they are incredibly high-energy dogs, especially through their first three years, your border collie will need a good two hours a day of physical exercise to stay fit and to avoid the sort of boredom that leads to misbehavior.

They are stimulated by games and learning new tricks, routines, and commands. This breed has a well-earned reputation for intelligence, and they love to exercise their minds. If your dog is not getting enough exercise, it may express its boredom by chewing or by engaging in other inappropriate behavior. This is especially true of younger dogs. Border collies love to please their owners but are not above finding destructive ways to demonstrate they need more attention and exercise.

For all their positive qualities, border collies have been known to have some troublesome characteristics as well. They are easily bored and can be destructive within the home if they do not receive sufficient exercise. One of the real virtues of having a high energy dog is that it keeps its owner and active. Your border collie may go out of its way to make sure you get plenty of exercise too.

This breed of dog tends to seek purpose in all its activities. Your border collie will want to engage in games that are challenging and rewarding. It will love to fetch balls and Frisbees as well as playing chase with you. For more advanced play, there are several standard sporting and game activities to train your border collie to compete in. Here is a list of some of the more common ones with descriptions of the activities involved:.

An owner may not have the time, interest, or ability to work with a border collie to the point of entering it into organized events like these. These activities may suggest, however, some creative pastimes for the owner and dog to explore together. Image by Jacqueline Galand via Pixabay. Surprisingly, for a dog as loyal, affectionate, and outgoing as a border collie is, they are not known for friendliness toward other dogs.

Breeders and trainers have suggested that to quell aggressive behavior, owners should start exposing and socializing them with other dogs from the time they are puppies. They seem to possess an innate need to demonstrate just who is in charge. They have energy that they need to burn, and this can be through both physical and mental stimulation. At least, your dog will have a higher chance of calming down than just neutering or spaying alone.

But if we think outside the box, there are thankfully things we can do. That we will soon get into! Otherwise, your dog will likely act out. It could be through nipping, or through jumping, barking excessively, or digging in the backyard. First of all, if you are yet to get a Border Collie, actually consider whether they are right for you, your family, lifestyle, and your home. So if you live in an apartment, a Border Collie may not actually work, where space is very limited and there is no backyard to run around in.

Ruling out the breed is actually the right thing to do for the dog, and will save you a lot of time, money, and energy in the long run. Some dog breeds and lifestyles are simply incompatible. Even if we really want a specific breed to begin with.

We have to be realistic here. At the same time, if you have recently taken a border collie on, can you actually give them all they need? Hopefully you will not have to give your dog away, but think about some of the changes you may need to make to your lifestyle, routine or home to be more accommodating of them and their needs!

So, be sure to have your dog examined with your vet first to rule out potential health problems, and ensure they are robust health. This will ensure that they are safe and healthy; and you can proceed to the other solutions for natural energy reduction!

Without these two, you will end up with a potentially bored and destructive dog with an endless source of energy. The amount of exercise that your Border Collie needs may vary individually, but on average, they need a lot more than other breeds. Some say that 30 to 60 minutes of exercise daily is enough. Ideally, though, your Collie should get at least 2 hours of exercise and mental stimulation combined per day, probably even more. Some basic exercises that you can do with your Collie are running, walking, throwing a ball or Frisbee, trekking, and swimming.

Because Border Collies need to think sharp when herding, their brains need training so that they are utilized to their fullest potential. Border Collies need more than that, and it is up to you to decide which complex tricks you can teach your dog. For farm Collies, herding as a job is a given. For household Collies, on the other hand, they can be taught to pick up things for you.

Using interactive or puzzle toys is also a great way to challenge your dog. I suggest trying out the following toys for your Border Collie:. In the absence of herding as a job, setting up an agility course in your backyard is a perfect way to expend the energy and train the mind of your Border Collie.

Lowering the amount of protein and calories that your dog consumes daily may lower the energy needed to expend. Do not leave your Border Collie for long periods of time. Border Collies are social dogs, since they are used to existing in packs. They also love the company of their owners and are dependent on them for their social and exercise needs. However, the female dogs are less stubborn than the males, making it easier to train them.

The male Border Collies, on the other hand, retain their puppy-like behaviour for a long time, which can stoke their hyperactivity. The male dog wants to engage in physical activity with their owners and other household pets more than the female dogs.

The female Border Collies enjoy more independence and individual life. This behaviour creates confusion about the difference in energy level between the male and female Border Collie dogs.

While the male dogs can be a bit more stubborn and difficult to handle than the females, we need to concentrate on how they direct their energy. Male Border Collie are very food motivated. That makes it easier for the trainers to train the male dogs compared to the females. Both the male and the female dogs require ample exercise to stay healthy for the rest of their lives. With the correct training, both male and female dogs can make excellent herders and loyal, loving pets to their owners.

If you have any chickens, you can also train your Border Collie to herd them. Find here an article I wrote about Border Collies and Chickens. Some Border Collies can get a bit calmed down after getting neutered. However, this is not always the case. The reduction of energy level after getting neutered is not guaranteed. It may not create even a dent in their hyperactivity level. However, some owners have reported a significant change in the energy levels of their Border Collie after they get neutered.

It does, however, depend on the dogs already in place, active or non-active life, how much or how little it could calm your Border Collie. There are many behavioural and health benefits of neutering or spaying. That is why veterinary professionals recommend this procedure to pet owners. For the male Border Collies, neutering reduces the chances of testicular cancer, urine infection, and prostate problems. Spaying female dogs reduce the risk of getting breast cancer. Spaying your dog also prevents her from getting a womb infection called pyometra.

Many unspayed female dogs have false pregnancies, which can cause behavioural and medical problems. It also dampens some aggressive behaviours and territory marking. However, there is no guarantee that neutering will reduce the aggressiveness of a Border Collie. Neutering is like surgery. It can be risky. Generally, Border Collies are best to be neutered within four to nine months of their life. However, other professionals think it is wiser for the owners to wait until a Border Collie reaches puberty.

If you are doubtful about neutering, better get in touch with the veterinary professionals for further tailored advice. You can also ask the question to more than one veterinary professionals to get plenty of advice to decide the best time for your Border Collie. As mentioned earlier, regular training and daily exercise are the most effective way to calm your Border Collie down. These activities will help these dogs burn down some excess energy and give them the mental and physical stimulation they need.


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