What is the significance of agriculture

Role of agriculture in economic development of Kenya Agriculture is the art and business of cultivating soil, producing crops and raising livestock. According to a World Bank report in , stated that about two thirds of the world population are mainly concentrated in rural areas, which are predominantly agriculture-oriented areas.

Therefore in respect to poverty eradication and raising the welfare standards of the population; more focus should be put on agricultural activities. It generates foreign currency through the export process of agricultural products.

For scientists and tech companies, agribusiness is one of the most fascinating and productive fields to work in.

When it comes to pollution and climate change, the environment and agriculture suffer the quickest and with the most clear consequences. To get a better idea about where humanity is going to end up, look at agriculture. What will our food supply look like? The state of agriculture is a good litmus test of what we can expect the future to look like.

Disclosure: TheImportantSite may be compensated by course providers. Here are ten reasons why agriculture is important: 1. Share Facebook Twitter LinkedIn. Emmaline Soken-Huberty is a freelance writer specializing in a variety of topics from healthy living to human rights and cookbooks.

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Abstract This paper will focus attention first on agriculture's most basic task of providing adequate food supplies for mankind. Issue Section:. You do not currently have access to this article. Download all slides. Sign in Don't already have an Oxford Academic account? You could not be signed in. Sign In Forgot password?


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