Why do motion lights stop working
Installing a motion detector on your property is a great way to keep your home safe. Approximately 60 percent of convicted burglars say they would steer clear of a well-lit home with a security system. But what if your motion detector malfunctions? If your motion light stays on all the time, you can call a professional outdoor lighting company , or you may be able to do something about it yourself.
Here are some troubleshooting tips if your motion detector stays on all the time. Several things can cause your motion detector to stay on, including age, storm damage, a power surge, improper installation, and improper settings. A few issues are easy to correct without professional help. A motion light that stays on all the time does not always require professional intervention.
This allows you to adjust the sensitivity of the sensor to fit your needs. If the motion sensor is on the highest level of sensitivity, it may detect movement that does not come from humans or animals. Even bugs or wind might be triggering it. When a sensor detects heat in its view, that is when it triggers. If the settings are not correct or are not working properly, it can detect movement from cars, branches, and small creatures. Basically, things that should not be setting off the light.
If your light has a range dial, adjust it and try it on different levels to see if that resolves the issue. Adjusting the sensitivity will change the range of distance in which the sensor can detect heat and movement. After adjusting the sensitivity, make sure you have the sensor in the exact area you need it. For example, If you have it facing too much towards the street, it will pick up the movements of cars.
All motion sensor lights have different angle ranges that tell you how big of a space the light will reach and detect motion in. If your range is too wide, it might go beyond the area that needs light.
It could go off too far to one side where you have a lot of trees, resulting in the light going on and off with each movement of a tree branch. You can try using electrical tape to cover a certain amount of the sensor, which will prevent it from detecting any motion in that area. This is especially helpful if you have a specific spot you want the light to shine on. Investing in high-quality motion sensor lights will decrease your risk of running into faulty situations with the lights.
Whether you need the lights for safety, recreation, or for any other reason, Boundery makes the best motion sensor lights available. This light is ultra-bright and perfect for outdoor activities and gatherings.
It is great for protecting your property or for putting it in the front or back yard of your house. It is solar-powered, which means you will never have to deal with charging it or changing its batteries.
Your health and safety are our highest priority during this time. Click here for our precautionary measures. Get your motion sensor light fixed right away by calling your local Mr. If there was motion in front of the sensor while the power was off, this may need to be repeated.
Not all motion detector problems can be fixed this easily. Expert Tips Lighting Troubleshooting Prev Post Next Post. By Mister Sparky. Tips and Tricks.